Tuesday 10 May 2011

What's it worth now?

So, we have our new politicians installed with a historic majority in the Scottish Parliament, and the potential to tackle some of the BIG issues of our time.  Top of the agenda in recent elections has been the economy. 

Interesting then see an email today from the  Business 7 group highlighting the impact of poor mental health on the workforce and economy. They are encouraging support of the Dismissed? campaign being run by the Scottish Association for Mental Health

A new report by them, What’s It Worth Now? suggests mental health problems cost Scotland’s economy £10.7 billion per year, and that £2.15 billion of that cost is incurred by employers through sickness absence, lost productivity and staff turnover. At any one time, nearly 1 in 6 employees is affected by a mental health problem such as depression or anxiety.

 With mental health affecting so many of us either directly or indirectly, it is good to see some practical solutions proposed for encouraging a mentally healthier workforce.  Amongst the recommendations are to:

 'Wherever possible ensure staff have access to sunlight and fresh air at regular intervals. ' 

A further recommendation is to:

 ' Encourage staff to take their full lunch break, and to leave their desk during their break' 

I couldn't agree more.

For those who have tried Nordic Walking, you will recognise that this is something that can be easily fitted into a lunch break with the added benefit of you getting access to sunlight and fresh air! Another report out today sings the benefits of nordic walking.

Even if the working week is very pressured, it is good to build in small steps to keep yourself fit both physically and mentally.  Half and hour a day can really help keep that Doctor away.  This doesn't have to be all in one go, try two lots of 15 minutes or three lots of 10 minutes if you are pushed for time.  So promise yourself a daily dose of fresh air. Give your self some breathing space outdoors.

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