Wednesday 29 June 2011

Getting into routines

I've just had lunch this week with members of my local running club, Strathearn Harriers.  We tend to have a run at the end of each school term followed by lunch as routines tend to be difficult to keep once the school holidays start.  That's when I  do more Nordic Walking as running first thing in the morning does not agree with my body, whilst Nordic Walking does.

Early morning is also a great time in the school holidays to get things done.  It is before the teens have even thought about disturbing their beauty sleep so I can still get some exercise and work done before spending time with them.  Or at least being taxi driver...

When the summer holidays are over, the kids are back at school and routines start returning, you may want to start thinking about your own fitness.  Take control and get into good patterns in preparation for the winter.

To help you on your way, I'll be running a couple of Nordic Walking workshops on 28th August 2011. One for those who have been before and fancy a brush up and a good workout and the other for newcomers.

Brush up session will start at 10 am and be finished by 12 noon( Cost £12).
Newcomers session will start at  1:15 pm and finish by 4:15 pm (Cost £20).

This might go from Auchingarrich where there is a lovely view across Strathearn as you will see from the picture taken by Felicity Martin on a recent walk. Walking through Auchingarrich features in a book by Felicity( a great wee series of walks around Perthshire's  'Big Tree Country'.

There is a great cafe to finish at for any walks from Auchingarrich - so think about it.

Booking is essential so contact me by email or phone 01764 670541 to book and get more details.